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Meet our 2022-2023 robot, Aluminator. Aluminator, as you may have guessed from the name, is mostly made of aluminum. Aluminator utilizes a custom-built and machined mecanum drivetrain, which allows it to quickly and nimbly traverse throughout the field. Custom-designed odometry pods allow us to get accurate positional data throughout the game. For an intake, Aluminator has a geared servo-driven claw that allows Aluminator to quickly and securely grab onto cones, while an arm and a set of linear slides allows it to quickly reach out with minimal movement of the drivetrain. Aluminator's outtake is an innovative hybrid double reverse four bar, combined with a passive outtaking mechanism, allowing Aluminator to speedily and accurately lift the cone to its desired position before sliding down and depositing it.​




  • Custom-built 14’ x 16’ aluminum chassis for mounting intake, outtake and other components.

  • Mecanum wheels with three dead-wheel odometry pods enabling localization precision in autonomous.


  • A 4 ft linear slide allows Aluminator to quickly grab onto cones with minimum movement. The end arm allows intake on stacks. 

  • The intake also functions as an outtake to ground junctions in teleop / endgame.


  • An innovative hybrid double reverse four bar, combined with a passive outtaking mechanism, allows Aluminator to quickly and accurately lift the cone to its desired position before quickly sliding down and depositing.

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